The screen is blank. My mind is full – but not of things I care to write about. I wouldn’t say I have writer’s block, it’s more that I have stress overload. The mental kind. My brain really is FULL! I have a notepad next to my computer with 6 or 7 blog post ideas for times like this, when I have peace and quiet (only because my husband is amazing and told me to “go away” – nicely, for my own good 🙂 – and write). I’m at my neighbor’s house, who happens to not be home, and because she’s my best friend, well, it’s easy for me to just bring my laptop and plop myself down at her kitchen table. That part is really nice. It is SO quiet here… shhh, can you hear the nothing? No screaming kids, no TV, no phones ringing – just silence. I love it.

So, my big question is: Can inspiration be prompted?  I’ve essentially been given the bulk of the afternoon off. I have things I want to write about. I have a place that’s quiet and without distractions. What if I didn’t have ideas already written down? I’ll admit, this post – what I’m writing right now – was not on the list of things that sits next to my computer for precisely this reason. I was inspired to write about the timing of inspiration. Are you following along?

I had to plan this day. I HAD to prioritize it. I HAD to carve out time (taken out of the minimal family time we do get all together) and make this happen.

I guess the answer to my question is, Yes. Inspiration can be prompted – if you have the right environment. I’m sure for everyone the scenario would be different. Some people can function amidst chaos, noise, distractions, while others need purity. For me, I used to be able to park myself in the coffee shop for hours at a time, put in my headphones and stream Pandora, ignoring the hustle and bustle around me, and just write. Lately, however, I need tranquility.

As my time here next door is limited, I’ll be taking full advantage and getting some other writing done as well. Maybe you’ve noticed a little change to my blog??? It’s no longer just my blog. I’ve taken the next step and created a whole new website – consolidating ideas, content and resources. It’s not done yet, but it’s a good start. So off I go to finish that up (and maybe I’ll have time to pre-write one of those notepad blog ideas I have sitting next to me). Writing Out Loud

Happy Day Everyone! 🙂