I’ve been reading, researching and reflecting a lot on postpartum depression lately. Not because I’m feeling back in that dark place, but because I’m finally at a point in my life where I can start to see my dream of my Love & Mommy Hugs business come to light.
My mission behind L&MH is to support women with, or at risk of, postpartum depression. I want to share with other Mothers (and even the husbands, fathers, boyfriends, partners, children, etc.) that there is hope. I want to share that the first step is acknowleding that you need help, and that it is NOT your fault! I know that PPD sucks. BUT, I also know that the reason I had to experience it was to support others. If I can even help one woman get through her PPD, then my experience was worth it. Anyway, I am just so excited that I actually get to work on a business for ME – and especially on something that is really not talked about enough.
As far as an update on how I’m doing, I’ve been on half-doses of my antidepressant medication for almost 2 months now, and I am not noticing any regression, so I’m sticking with it. I have some other health-related issues I’m working out, but I honestly feel like my PPD is under control and I feel good about that. I don’t know that I will ever feel “back to normal,” since my life is compeltely different than it ever was pre-kids anyway. What was once my normal will never be again. Kids change everything – and I opt to make that a positive thing. I know there are people out there that try to resist their lives changing (I won’t go there today…). Not me. I embrace it. My life is fuller and happier with kids.
So, someday (sooner than later I hope) I will be launching Love & Mommy Hugs. In the meantime, take my virtual hug!
Yes, kids sure do turn your world around. I can’t believe that people actually think that nothing will change after baby arrives. I wouldn’t have considered this being true until I met a young couple who just had a baby recently. How clueless. No more sleeping in mommy and daddy. SOMEbody has to get up to feed, change, bathe the baby.
Hang in there. Hope you reach a good balance soon.
I used to be friends (key word: used to) with someone who didn’t think their life had to change after kids. If you like your life the way it is, then don’t have kids!
Not sure I’ll ever achieve perfect balance, besides, life is more fun that way…
Have a good week, Tess!