Meet Little Snugglebug and Big Snugglebug (Brayden and Zackery respectfully).

Little Snugglebug was still sleeping in his crib at the foot of my bed. I was awake but definitely not ready to open my eyes, let alone even get up out of bed, and in barges Big Snugglebug – wide awake and ready to take on the day.

Daddy had already left for work, so I was on Mommy duty 100%. I coaxed Big Snugglebug to crawl into bed with me and snuggle under the covers. I love that! We shared my pillow and whispered quietly to avoid waking Little Snugglebug, but it seems that Little Snugglebug has some sort of advanced radar detection system that immediately knows when his brother is present.

Being the great big brother that he is, Big Snugglebug got up and peeked into Little Snugglebug’s crib, only to initiate a giant, happy, good morning squeal. Okay, I was up now, but still relishing in the warmth and comfort of my cozy bed and completely reluctant to relinquish myself from under the covers. Daily dilemma: Could I lay there just a few more moments with my eyes closed while Big Snugglebug entertained Little Snugglebug in the safety of his crib? Or had my day begun?

As most often occurs, my day had begun. Little Snugglebug needed a diaper change and probably a bottle. Big Snugglebug was ready to eat breakfast and watch a show. So, now I was up-and-at-‘em. If anything can get me out of bed, it is definitely my boys. I can’t get enough of them; I could love them to pieces (my prerogative as their Mother! – smile – ).

I change Little Snugglebug and get Big Snugglebug all set up for his morning routine – juice, cereal, vitamins and the remote. Never thought I would have taught my 3-yr old how to use the TV remote, but it saves me from having to fast forward through the commercials for him!

And then back to Little Snugglebug, who is proudly learning to crawl all over. I fix his bottle and scoop him up into my arms. Positively one of my most favorite moments – looking into his eyes, holding his little hand and watching him rhythmically drink his bottle, until he lets me know he’s all done with a giant burp and another big smile.

I quickly turn my appreciation not from laying in a cozy bed, but to my two wonderful little boys; the two amazing beings I brought into this life, inherently enhancing my world. I know my life (and theirs) will be filled with an abundance of precious moments. After all, with names like Little Snugglebug and Big Snugglebug, how could I not foresee endless hours of cuddling, loving and of course, snuggling?!