So, I decided to keep with the Thanksgiving, “What am I grateful for?” theme, since, after all, Thanksgiving is just a few days away. Gobble Gobble!
Zackery came home from pre-school last week with a little zip loc bag. Inside was a pretty, green stone, and a note saying:
This is my thankful stone. It helps me to remember what I am thankful for.
Today he got it out and showed it to me again. I asked him what he was thankful for, and these are all the things he said (straight from the mouth of a precious little four-year-old):
I am thankful for my Daddy.
I am thankful for my matchbox cars and trailer.
I am thankful for my brother.
I am thankful for my cape and mask. (We went to a very cool superhero birthday party yesterday)
I am thankful for my Nana and Grandpa Paul and Grandpa Fred.
I am thankful for my whole house.
He didn’t specifically say he is thankful for his Mommy, but I know he is and I didn’t need to hear him say it [today]. I am so thankful that I have such an appreciative little boy who is learning the meaning of thanks.
Blessings to All this week.
just love the innocence of kids 🙂 and of course it’s important to be thankful for all of these things!!!
That is so dang cute. And I bet you count under the “whole house” umbrella!
So sweet. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!