Our Children Are A Reflection Of Us

Ever have those days when your kids are perfect little angels, and you get all sorts of compliments from both friends and strangers alike? Those days when you feel like you could take your kids anywhere – a fancy restaurant, the symphony, a 5-hour plane ride. Yes,...

Survive the Summer by Keeping a Routine!

Can you hear that sound? Listen closely – there it is, drifting down all the streets of America. It’s the sound of SUMMER VACATION (which mostly sounds like screaming). And – oh, it sounds like some of those screams aren’t coming from the kids at all, but from the...

Moms Who Write

Many of you know that writing is something I love to do; I’ve always loved it, and it has continued to be a source of healing and my emotional outlet. This week I am excited to announce my inclusion in a very special promotion: The #MomsWhoWrite ebook bundle is...

What’s up with you today?

  Looking at that title, you may think I’m joking, or trying to make a point by asking that question – but I’m not! I really want to know: how are you today? What is happening in your life?   If you’re reading this and feel like sharing, please leave a...