A lot of things have been happening lately. Zackery turned four, on the very same day he “graduated” from Silly Beans; Brayden had his first day at Silly Beans on Friday; and Monday (tomorrow) Zackery starts “real” pre-school at Church of the Mountains. I say “real” because technically Silly Beans is a daycare, but he has learned so much there and Teacher Heather is really great with circle time teaching them, to us it’s always been like a pre-school.
Thursday was an emotional day for Mommy – and I don’t even really know why? Maybe it’s hormones. Yes, let’s just blame it on the hormones! J As I wrote in my last post, Zackery turned four on Thursday. My little baby was all grown up. Well, I guess not all grown up, but growing up. Change one – complete.
We all had a very sweet morning together and Will took Zackery to Silly Beans for the last time, in their usual routine.
At 5:00pm, Brayden and I went down to pick him up. I had been contemplating in my head what time to go get him. Should I go early? Should I go right at 5:30pm? Part of me was feeling like I didn’t want to get him – that I wanted to let him stay there as long as I could to let him play and enjoy his friends. Part of me wanted to get him early and just pick him up and snuggle him the rest of the evening like he was just a little baby. I knew that it would be the last time I picked him up from Silly Beans. Seriously, what was wrong with me? Why was I making such a BIG deal of this? It’s not like I was never going to be there again – heck I was going to be there the very next morning dropping off Brayden!
I had an empty tote bag with me and once Brayden was situated and I had taken a few pictures of Zackery with Teacher Heather, I started emptying Zackery’s bin. Heather looked at me, asking “you’re not doing that right now, are you?” I had been preparing myself for this all day (probably all week in actuality), and replied by telling her so, adding “if I don’t do this right now, it will probably never happen.” Okay, so change two was complete. Zackery had graduated and was officially “moved out” of Silly Beans.
Friday morning came all too suddenly (as it seems every morning does). Zackery and I had a wonderful “Mommy / Zack Day” planned at the Discovery Museum in Reno, but first we had to drop off Brayden at Silly Beans. I had been bringing him with me every time I went to pick up Zackery, so I knew that Brayden was used to being there, and Teacher Heather just adored him. I wasn’t too worried about him being in an unfamiliar place, but still, as I would expect any mother would, I was hesitant to leave my baby for the first time. I had given myself extra time to stay about 30 min to make sure everything was okay before Zackery and I left. Needless to say, Brayden was as happy as a clam and didn’t fuss at all when we left.
In between the flurry of exploration and fun that Zackery and I were having (I highly recommend the Nevada Discovery Museum to anyone in the Reno area!), I checked in with Teacher Heather to see how Brayden was doing. Every time she gave me a wonderful report – Brayden was doing just fine. He was exploring, coming back to check in with her, going out to explore another area, coming back to check in again. She said he was so happy. What a relief to know that things were going well and I could be completely present and enjoy the time I was having with Zackery. It’s not often the two of us get to spend such quality time together.
Roles reversed from the day before, Zackery came down with me to pick up Brayden. He was stuffed into an exersaucer, snack in hand, observing the older kids playing, grinning from ear to ear. What a happy sight! Change three – complete.
All summer long, we have been preparing Zackery to start “big school.” He has been mentally ready and anxious to go for months now. We have visited his new school, driven by it, practiced saying all the teacher’s names. He is ready – I mean, really ready!
Tomorrow morning will be his first day of pre-school. Drop-off is at 9:00am. It’s a good thing my Dad, Grandpa Fred (who just happens to be in town for Zackery’s birthday) is coming with us; he’ll help keep me strong, as well as be part of an extra special moment for Zackery. I’m sure I’ll take some pictures (to add to the thousands of other pictures I have of my boys), and I’m sure I’ll be wondering all day long how he’s doing. I’ll be there right at 3:00pm to pick him up, at which time I can officially say change four will be complete!
I know that change is inevitable, and change is supposed to be a good thing. Four big changes in five days is quite a lot for me right now, but I’m taking it in stride, as they are all wonderful things happening to my wonderful boys. What changes will life offer me next week? I’ll just have to wait and see…