I love the New Year. The ritual of starting fresh with a clean slate – a bright new future stretching out ahead like a field of pristine snow – the promise of spring, summer, fall and winter to come, with all the joys they bring. This is a time of possibility and excitement.
I’ll admit, I also love to make New Year’s resolutions. It’s inspiring and meaningful to make a promise to yourself, one that will lead to happiness in the future. But like many people, I have to be careful about the resolutions I choose.
If you’ve read my book or followed my story, you know that I am a deeply driven person. I love to take on new challenges and see them through to the very end. While I know this is one of my best qualities, I also know (from experience) that it can be my downfall.
One of the most common traits shared among women who experience PPD is a perfectionistic personality. So I know some of you will identify with this process! It is not enough to have an idea and work toward it – at least according to the voice in your head, you have to do it perfectly, or not at all.
In the fall of 2014, I began filming my “Happy Mommy Moments™” videos (which I hope you are subscribed to!). It was an ambitious undertaking, to commit to producing a video every week, but it was something I really wanted to do. What made it possible for me was to commit to PROGRESS, and forget about PERFECTION. Do I still worry about sending out videos that aren’t 100 percent perfect? Yes! But I am proud that they are out there, and that I am fulfilling my mission to touch the lives of other women.
In the spirit of “progress over perfection,” I invite you to look at the role your New Year’s resolutions are playing in the movie inside your head. What kind of resolutions are you making? Are they positive, realistic and healthy practices (like, say, “I will get more sleep”) that will make you feel great? Or are they difficult or limiting challenges (like “I will lose ten pounds”) that could cause an internal struggle?
Clearly, I want you to support yourself with patience, kindness and love. There is never one “right” way to do anything, so you can find this answer in your own heart – but remember, in this moment you have the entire year wide open in front of you. What tone will you set for this new experience? Before you take a single step into that bright white snowy field, I hope you will envision a positive, healing path for your journey.
What is your New Year’s resolution? Please share it in the comments. I would love to hear about the path you are setting for your year.
With Love and Mommy Hugs,
Hi beautiful! Thank you for educating us all – I have chosen a word of the year: Commitment, to represent how I’m going to approach everyone of my goals. BTW I came over to congratulate you on being nominated for The One Lovely Blog Award!
Elayna, I love that word: Commitment!
And thank you so much for the nomination! How exciting!