I tucked Zack into bed, gave him a couple more (there’s always more than just one) hugs and kisses, told him I loved him and to have sweet dreams. He told me he loved me too and wished me sweet dreams. I turned out the light and went into the living room to grab Brayden. He was waddling around carrying a “choo-choo” book (Thomas the Tank Engine) and his little bunny, wearing the coziest blanket over his green, white and yellow fleece polka-dot jammies. I just wanted to snuggle him right up and never let go!
I carried him into the boys’ room, closed the door so only a crack of light seeped through, and sat down in the chair with him on my lap. I could faintly hear the lullabies playing in the living room over the sound of the humidifier and white noise machine. I took the “choo-choo” book from Brayden’s hand (much to his disliking), and right as his protest reached a peak, with stiff, arching body and wide, open-mouthed crying (it was a good thing Zack wasn’t quite asleep yet), I gently finessed the bottle of warm milk onto his lips, at which point he immediately ceased and calmed.
I could feel his body relaxing in my arms, as his head began to lean into me. I put my cheek to his forehead – so soft, so precious. I snuggled him as only I do, kissing him gently, holding the bottle as he rhythmically drank. We both drifted off to peacefulness, I, still awake but aware; Brayden becoming limp but also still awake. We were like one. One heartbeat, one soul, one being.
I began reminiscing about how tiny he was when he was first born, and how he used to hold my thumb as I nursed him. Just then, his hand slid onto mine, as if he knew my thoughts, and he reached to pull my fingers up to his heart. At that moment, I just wanted to hold him forever.
He finished his bottle (what he was going to drink of it) and gently pushed it away. I turned to set it on the table next to me, and then turned back to look at Brayden. He was getting so big, but he was still just a baby. I thought the same of Zack, how he was getting so big, but still so little and innocent, all tucked into bed with his footsie jammies and snowflake blankie.
I usually put Brayden right into his crib after he finishes his bottle, but tonight was different. I couldn’t let him go. I just wanted to hold my baby. I wanted to feel the soft skin of his cheek once more against mine. I wanted to hear the sound, smell the sweetness and feel the blow of his breath. I wanted to hold him until he slept. I wanted to hold him until I slept.
My conscience told me to “put him in his crib and let him put himself to sleep, like always.” And then my heart spoke back, “hold him as long as you want. You are his Mother, he is your baby. Love him, hold him, be one with him.” And so, I held Brayden as he rested his tired head on my shoulder and my arms cradled him off to sleep.
I sat there holding him for a while, until I knew he was dreaming of puppy dogs and horses and, of course, choo-choo trains. I don’t know exactly how long it was, and it didn’t matter. I knew I had poured my love into him tonight, and had filled my heart up at the same time. I did what I needed to do – I held my baby.
Great moment Pam. Thank you for sharing. So you want to do that again at 3 am
I think this is your most well written piece yet. I loved all the descriptive words. Love you!
Thanks, hon.
My baby is 3, now, and years into putting himself to sleep at night. But sometimes, when he is so tired he can’t settle, or so upset at all of the perceived injustices of being three that I need to hold him close and rub his tummy until he’s calm and dreaming. “Poured my love into him.” Yes. Beautifully written.
Yes, sometimes we just have to give them a little extra love.
Thank you.
So true. Beautifully written.
Thank you.
Very sweet. While I’m not a mother myself, I know not only from beloved children I’ve been privileged to nestle to sleep–or just to a calmer state–but also from beloved adults, family and close friends, the incredible power of a deeply felt embrace. That’s worth every second of time not devoted to anything else! You tell it well.
Thank you, Kathryn. It’s easy to write about the things I love and cherish, as I’m sure that is the case with you too.
I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog too, and getting to know you (even if virtually).
Oh, Pam, this is a beautiful reminder. For a few minutes I remembered the nights when my daughter was a baby and I ignored the rule to never wake a sleeping baby. I couldn’t resist, and I’d hold her against me in the rocker and sing a song I’d made up for her on the night she was born. Then, on top of that memory, I remembered the nights I rocked my grandbabies, and sang the same song (altered with their names).
Your blog carried me back two generations, and I thank you.
Thank you, Marylin for that sweet memory of yours. It’s the best part of being a Mother, isn’t it? Holding your baby while they sleep softly, nestled in your arms.
This is a wonderful reminder. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you again. It is probably my most precious post to date. I could read it over and over, and when I’m in that situation again, I think back to that night of just holding him.