I’m not usually one to toot my own horn, so this is actually a bit awkward-feeling for me, but I am in fact a Published, #1 Best-Selling Author. There, I said it! (Own it Pamela, own it!)
I have always enjoyed writing, but it wasn’t until I Quit my Career for Motherhood (which ironically is what my story is about) that I began to give writing any kind of priority in my life. Like anything new, it was hard to find time to fit it in, especially between taking care of two small boys. I realized, however, that the more I wrote, the more I made time for it, the more I was “healing” myself in the process, and the more it became a passion of mine.
So how did this new-found creative passion of mine manifest itself into a #1 Best-Seller?
Somewhere along my journey in life I was lucky enough to meet an incredible woman, Kimber Lim. She is someone that came into my life and I just knew I would work with her again, in some capacity, now or in the future, and what that looked like I didn’t know and it didn’t matter. Long story short, she invited me to participate in a collaborative book of 39 women, all sharing their stories of transformation and inspiration. It was an opportunity I knew I could not pass up, and the catapult to my confidence in writing.
The book is entitled ‘Get Your Woman On! – Embracing Beauty, Grace & The Power of Women.’ It is available in traditional print, or in a brand new, cutting edge multi-media version, where you can see, hear and read each author through videos and audios which supplement their original chapters.
If you are in need of inspiration, if you want to learn how you can transform your life, or if you know anyone who could use a little nudge in a positive direction, I know 39 impassioned women ready to help by sharing their stories, all in one amazing book.
Click here to purchase the Print Book
Click here to purchase the Multi-media Book
Thank you for your support and for letting me share my story with you!
This is fabulous. The advert for the book is really great. Lucky you. I’ll be looking for it. I LOVE the title of the compilation: Get Your Woman ON. Delish.
Thanks, Tess! I’m very proud of it, and my co-authors. And who could resist that title, huh?
This is a wonderful post. I am so glad you link up with Marketing Monday. I have very happy and and excited for you!
Thanks Kenya and thanks so much for this opportunity.
Good luck with your Christopher Chronicles!
This is great! Congratulations!
Thanks, Cendrine! And thanks for stopping by.
Congratulations. You can be sure when my book hits No.1 I will be screaming it all over town!
Oh I sure hope you do! And I sure hope you let me know when that is going to be too…
Thanks for stopping by.
Congratulations! Love the title of this book. There are some great books finds on Marketing Monday today! I’m so excited for all of you. Keep the blessing flowing.
Congratulations! There are some very talented writers and book finds on Marketing Monday today! Keep the blessing flowing!
Yes, thanks and I agree! Thanks for stopping by.
Wow, I love what you’ve done with Get Your Woman On. Thanks so much for sharing!
I found you via Kenya Johnson’s link share (author of The Christopher Chronicles).
Hi Donna Marie, thanks so much. I’m glad you found me. Kenya’s linky is great. I’m going to go check your blog out right now…
Congratulations on being “best selling”! I think you should totally brag! The book sounds wonderful.
It’s great to find you on the marketing linky! I have an online handmade business for Moms and babies, and I just launched Club-Content–a way for bloggers to team together to improve their blogs.
So nice to meet you!
Hi Courtney, thanks for the “ok” to brag.
It is a wonderful book and it was / is such an amazing experience for me.
I love finding all these new people on the Monday link – it’s great isn’t it? I checked out your website – really cool! Nice job.
Thanks for stopping by.
Can I pin your book on my pinterest boards?
Yes, of course you can pin to pinterest! I would be honored thank you.
And I’ll take the easy way out an repin Sonya’s pin
I’ll have to follow you both on Pinterest now…