Well, yes, it’s Monday again. I feel good that I’ve been able to maintain weekly blog posts for the past three weeks, however (yeah, I know), it’s still not happening as often as I had intended. BUT, I’m not going to beat myself up over it. No time for that and it does no good anyway. I don’t need to waste all this energy being negative towards myself. Instead, I am harnessing this into getting stuff done today!
I’m a teensy, tiny bit mad at myself today for JUST NOW sitting down to write (I got home from dropping the boys off at 9:10am and now it’s already 10:45am), however (again with the word “however,” yes sorry – I am having technical difficulties with thesauras.com – one of my most favorite websites… and technical difficulties seems to be a theme already for me this morning – more to come on that in just a few) dinner is already prepped in the crock pot and smells D-Liscious! Beef stroganoff. Yum! I found the recipe last night before I went out for a little late night last minute grocery shopping trip (we didn’t have all the usuals in the house to make the kid’s lunches for today, so kinda HAD to go to the store anyway). The recipe said 8 hours cook time (or 4-5 on high – which is what I’m planning) and 20 minutes prep time. I think I need a new knife, because it took me 20 minutes just to cut the meat up!
Anyway, I finally got the meat cubed and in with the rest of the ingredients, fixed myself a second cup of coffee and plopped myself down in front of my computer. And waited, and waited, and waited… and waited. The first screen I saw was an ERROR. Oh yay. I managed to fix it (it was nothing I hadn’t seen and been able to fix myself before – I’d like to think I’m pretty computer savvy), and then waited, and waited, and waited some more. I know my computer is thinking (it’s making that humming, something’s happening inside sound), but it has just been so, SO S…L…O…W!
I don’t have time for this, I mean I already wasted spent an hour and a half doing other important things (like preparing dinner so I don’t have to do it at 4:30 this afternoon with two boys running wild in the house), and now I have to wait for what seems like for-EVER just to be able to do what it is that I really want to do: WRITE. In the time that it took for my computer to cooperate and get to a point where my website was up and I could click on the “New Post” button, I could have already written a nice post. But instead, now here I am, writing this.
I know, it’s not my best work for a Monday morning. I swear (oops, probably shouldn’t swear – had to tell Zack not to say that the other day…) I had much more in depth, intelligent, humorous stories to write about today, but instead here I am, writing this. Wait, did I already say that?
So, as to not leave you all with an un-told story about our week and the happenings since last Monday, here’s the cliff notes study version (the lowdown, if you will):
The entitlement issues I wrote about last week have diminished a little bit with Zack (thankfully). I think the repetitive and consistency of talking to him about it has started to sink in – we’ll see though, and I do still plan to take him to a homeless shelter or food bank.
Brayden and I got a surprise visit from Daddy at Wednesday morning music class. He was so thrilled he couldn’t decide who’s lap he wanted to sit on more, so he ended up laying down on both of ours, taking turns. He really loves that class, and although he doesn’t always participate 100% during class, when we get home (or even sooner, in the car on the way home) he is singing the songs and echoing me just like his teacher does with him. I’m happy he loves it so much.
Thursday I got to indulge in the spa again with thirty minutes in the sauna and then two massages – heaven. Just what I needed – good old relaxation… right before heading off to volunteer again in Zack’s class. I got to read one-on-one with all the kids this time (well, they actually had to read to me while I listened), which was really great and I really enjoyed it. It also gave me a better idea of where Zack is with his reading level, and I am SO proud of him!
Friday was another treat with Brayden and I being extras for a photo shoot with my photographer friend, Alina Vincent, at a friend’s local chocolate shop. Dorinda’s Chocolates – truly amazing and decadent! We both had way too much chocolate, but it was for a good cause and I have to say it was fun seeing Brayden with his HUGE smile of chocolate covered teeth. Nap time was tough that day, but he did eventually crash and I had to wake him up to go pick Zack up from school.
The day for me continued with a much needed Girls Night. Thank you Will for putting the boys to bed that night. xoxo
Saturday came WAY too early with Zack’s 9:00am soccer game. It’s his first year playing and his whole team is improving – it’s nice to see progress, and goals of course.
Yesterday was church (our second time going and I feel really good about it) and the Verdi Pumpkin Patch. The boys played carnival games, Zack and Will went in the Haunted Hut, and we all indulged in some sugary treats from the bake sale. The afternoon was a lazy one, and come 4:30pm I still had no clue what to make for dinner. I scrounged the house, pulled the last of some halibut and fish sticks (which I appropriately named “Nemo Biscuits” – again, whatever makes the kids eat dinner!) out of the freezer and whipped up a quite tasty dinner with some steamed cauliflower and carmelized onions. The hectic-ness of getting last night’s dinner together was what prompted me to figure out our crock pot meal for tonight’s dinner – and now, alas, I have come full circle.
There you have it, my week in 518 words. Not bad, I guess.
Thirty minutes later and my post for the week is done (aside from hitting the “publish” button). It’s a bit longer than I usually like to write for my blog post, but I feel better, not so angry at myself. Writing always makes me feel better. It’s my outlet, my journal, my release. It’s good to have something that works for me and it’s even better to know what that is. I hope that as you all go about your week, you remember to find YOUR something.
It was wonderful to have you at the photoshoot – you both were absolutely perfect!
Thanks Alina! And thanks for inviting us – Brayden especially is grateful! When else would I let him eat as much chocolate as he wants?