Another day in the life of a stay-at-home Mom.
Long story short, the morning was rushed (as usual) but we all got where we needed to be on time. Zackery had preschool, Brayden had a play date / babysitter share morning with a friend, and I had a gazillion errands to run.
Zackery also had “Celebration” at school, a monthly event where all the parents and family get to come watch a themed presentation and partake in yummy, cultural snacks. The unfortunate part of Celebration (if it’s even fair to say it’s unfortunate, because it really is an awesome, amazing thing all the kids participate in and I’m so excited to watch my little Zackery… that being said), it’s always right smack in the middle of my “free” time. But, it is only once a month, so that’s not so bad after all, right? And it is my son; I really shouldn’t have anything to complain about…
I showed up at Celebration with all the other parents, and we all found seats on the little green benches that had been placed around our kids, all patiently sitting in a circle, waiting for their cue from Mrs. Fix to begin. The highlight for me was all the kids singing along to a cute little Halloween nursery rhyme, ‘Five Little Pumpkins.’ It goes like this:
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said, “my it’s getting late.”
The second one said, “there’s witches in the air.”
The third one said, “but we don’t care.”
The fourth one said, “let’s run, run, run.”
The fifth one said, “it’s just Halloween fun!”
Oooh, oooh went the wind,
And out went the lights,
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.
Despite not getting all the things done I wanted to today, and (unsuccessfully) trying 3 times to get Brayden to take a nap, my day was great. I am always happy in my decision to be a stay-at-home Mom. It is by far the hardest job I’ve ever had, but miles above as the most rewarding.
The best part of my day, was singing ‘Five Little Pumpkins’ with Zackery when Daddy got home from work. Well, that and the two chocolate chip cookies I’m enjoying with my glass of wine, watching Dancing with the Stars!