It’s the end of the first week of winter break. Zack has two weeks total off school. Will had Monday and Tuesday off work, so essentially it’s a three-day week for the boys and I. Thank goodness tomorrow is Saturday again! Thank goodness Zack has a friend over for a play-date right now. Not so much to keep him busy on his own without asking me a billion questions every two minutes (he got a total of seven new Lego sets and he plays with them non-stop; not complaining…). It’s Brayden that’s the one who has been pushing my buttons. My thinking is that the dynamic between Zack and Brayden get’s pushed to the limit when the two of them are together for such long, extended periods of time (um, yes, they are brothers, so one would think they are used to being together… but, they are brothers, so they are used to pushing the limits as well – yay for me!).
Anyway, as always, there is an endless list of things that need to get done on a regular basis (laundry, dishes, planning for dinner, etc.). I am happy to report that those duties are complete (or well underway and in progress), for today at least. The dishes are done, the dirty clothes are being agitated in the washing machine, I know exactly what I’m making the boys for dinner (I’m cheating a little bit because Zack has several left-over options and Will and I are actually going out tonight – date night – woo hoo!), and most of the toys have migrated back into the play room.
I currently have three boys in the house. I must say, more often than not, it is so much easier having three over just two! Not saying we’re going to have a third – nope, we are DONE. I guess the beauty in the play-date is that it actually motivated me to get stuff done. It’s easy for me to sit on the couch with a blanket and the remote when it’s just my boys at home, but when it’s some one else added into the mix, I feel compelled to pause the laziness and actually check a few things off my list (even if it does mean they’re back on the list in a couple days). Accomplishment.
Yes, play-dates are great. I love them. And next time, it’s at their house!
Okay, so this isn’t completely funny, but I think you’ll understand. Our daughter has a friend with 3 young children from K through 3rd grade. She was so worried about school safety after the recent shootings that she withdrew all three so she could home school them. It isn’t even the New Year yet, and she’s waiting for the school to open so she can re-enroll them because she’s been checking around and there won’t be play dates or anything and she’s exhausted just thinking about trying to teach all three levels.
Motherhood. Like the Peace Corps, the hardest job you’ll ever love. Happy New Year!
Oh I can TOTALLY relate. Trust me, that same thought crossed my mind, for about a split second.
Happy New Year to you too!