I did a quick post on my Love & Mommy Hugs Facebook page yesterday: “I thought I was over all this #PPD stuff, and I am, except as I’m creating my “next steps” (can’t share everything just quite yet…) I’m having to re-live things I don’t want to. At least I am in a better, HAPPY place now and able to go back there and then move on.”

It’s true, I am over Postpartum Depression. I will NEVER get that again! But it’s been really hard, even still after all this time, to have to go back to that place and remember what I was like. Why do you have to keep going back there you ask?  You all (hopefully) know I have a book coming out really soon: Reclaim The Joy of Motherhood – How I Defeated Postpartum Depression. As I am reviewing chapters and filling in missing pieces, I have to go back to that place in order to make the story and the message work. There’s no way around it.

My book is just one piece. The second piece is what I’ve been working on simultaneously for the past year, almost two. It’s Love & Mommy Hugs – Helping Women Heal From Postpartum Depression. I’ve had this mission, this passion this purpose inside me and now finally I have figured out how to get my message out there. I mean really out there to women all over! I’m excited! So excited, in fact, that I have to pull myself back in a little bit because I need to actually do the work to get myself to the point where I can clearly see the vision of so many new Mothers being happy.

Yes, as I am working so hard on the method of getting my message out, I am constantly having to go back to “that place” of my own PPD.

It was a dark, scary, lonely place.

Today, however, I am a new person. A happy person. A happy Mother (you know, generally speaking… I still have moments of frustration dealing with two young boys – but that just makes me human!). What is so cool about where I am today is that no matter how many times I have to go back, or how far back I have to go – two years, three years, five years – I am able to snap back to the present and remain in my state of happiness. It’s sometimes mentally exhausting to write about how horrible things were for me during my PPD, and I find myself needing to take lots of breaks between work sessions, but I always come back to happy.

I give myself permission to be happy. I give you permission to be happy. Every Mother deserves to be a happy Mother. It takes time, but you will get there, I promise you.