Well, I’ve had good intentions (aren’t they always?) I’ve had my little list of “posts to write” sitting next to my computer. I haven’t had much time to write lately (pretty much NO time since last Saturday). It was Spring Break here for Zack. I know a lot of people who couldn’t wait for Spring Break – “Oh my god I’m so excited!” or “Do you have any big plans? Spring Break is going to be so much fun!” I have no idea what planet these people are from, but obviously not from my world. I was NOT looking forward to it. A week off with Zack NOT in school? Two boys at home all day? In other words, no break for Momma. Nope, definitely NOT looking forward to Spring Break.
Turns out it wasn’t that bad. I still had Brayden in his preschool (thank you CP!) three days. I packed our day full of outings on Wednesday, and that worked as far as the boys not bickering, whining, fighting or bothering each other – but I was exhausted! Friday, however, well… let’s just say I cracked open a bottle of wine and sent the boys outside to play around 3:30pm. It was a gorgeous day and I sat out there with them soaking up some much needed Vitamin D and waiting for Daddy to come home for dinner. Needless to say, I got through Spring Break and I was SO happy school started again for Zack today.
Brayden, on the other hand, is under the weather – again. He got a pretty bad allergy / asthma attack over the weekend so we decided to keep him home and instead take him to the doctor. It was a good call. The smart thing to do. I felt like a good Mom about that, but I had to cancel my day. Go figure.
So, I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately, and instead of marking off those posts to write, I just keep adding more ideas (which I much prefer over having writer’s block).
And… I still have some layout / design / content stuff to finish up with my new website, so thanks for being patient. Lots to do, lots to do!
I’m off now to get caught up with DWTS!