I woke this morning to Brayden repeating the words “shut-up!” Over and over and over and over. He was happy about it, and I could hear both boys laughing hysterically, but it doesn’t change the fact that he shouldn’t have been saying it. I know exactly how he learned it: from Zackery. And I know exactly how Zackery learned it: from Mommy – me. Ah yes, not one of my finer moments of Mommyhood, but it happened, they heard and now they repeat. Over and over and over and over. Shut-up!

It was silly enough and they didn’t really know what they were saying, but I guess it’s a reminder that I need to (continue to) watch what I say in front of them. They are smart little boys and sometimes they out-smart me!

Lesson learned. I won’t live this one down for a while (especially when my husband asks, “where did they learn that?”)

Happy Sunday! (Wait, shut-up, it’s already Sunday?!) 🙂