We had the most beautiful, live, fresh-cut Christmas tree this year. Probably one of the best ones we’ve ever had. Cut it down ourselves in the National Forest with our $10 permit from the Forest Service. You can’t beat that really, especially given the fact that it was twelve feet tall! Yup! We even had to trim the top a teensy tiny bit to get the star on top. Thank goodness for ladders and string (used to tie the tree to the wall in two places… just. in. case.).
Usually we leave our tree up until after the New Year. And yes, that would be tomorrow. However, we were not planning on taking it down for another week or so. I love having the tree and lights on with the glimmering ornaments, no other lights on in the house, just gazing at it – and the TV.
Brayden has had this horrible cough again now for over a week. We’re going on day twelve I think. In fact, the whole time Nana and Grandpa were here he had this cough, and a runny nose, and a bit of a fever on and off. He was still (mostly) his happy self, but there was a little extra crankiness mixed in there – to be expected of course (heck, the kid didn’t feel good, I don’t blame him).
I finally called the doctor yesterday. In the past I’ve managed to do what I need to do at home with his nebulizer, allergy medicine and essential oils, that everything goes away and he gets better. But this time, it just won’t leave his little body. So yes, I called. I was hesitant because I just hate putting a bunch of medicine into him, but sometimes that’s all that works, and there is some bronchitis going around, and Will is now sick… so better safe than sorry. I talked to the nurse and one of the first things she asked me is if we had a live tree. That would be, Yes.
“Get rid of the tree.”
Wow! Well, okay then. I know Brayden has environmental allergies – which is why we have the nebulizer and allergy medicines and the essential oils. It never dawned on me that it could be our oh so beautiful, perfect Christmas tree. Oops! In fact, the first time Will and I even thought of that was when our neighbor mentioned it a few days ago. We both gave it a quick thought and then dismissed it. His cough didn’t start right when we got our tree. It wasn’t until almost three weeks later.
The nurse also said she’s been getting a lot of calls about a cough that won’t go away, starting in December. The air quality hasn’t been the greatest, and Brayden was outside playing several days in a row. And now Will has this cough that he recalls getting every December. We’re starting to put two and two together.
So, the tree is gone. Already. Quick. Zack and I were gone for just over an hour running a couple of errands and we come home to Will vacuuming (what a good husband!) where the once mighty Christmas tree stood so tall and majestic. All the ornaments are laid out on the dining room table for me to meticulously put back in their boxes and bins. Holiday decorations are down and ready to join all the ornaments in the shed until next year.
I have to admit, I’m a little sad to see the tree go, but I’m REALLY hoping that Brayden’s cough (and Will’s) will FINALLY go away. No more real, live trees for us, at least for a while (hopefully not for the rest of our lives, as Zack asked with such concern this morning). As soon as I’m done here, we’re off to go buy a fake tree. Might as well take advantage of all the 50% off sales today! And what doesn’t make a girl feel better when she’s down than some good old-fashioned shopping!
Farewell Christmas tree – you had a good life. You were loved, you’ll be missed, but I want my boys to be healthy again.
And with that, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas/Holiday/Hanukkah/Kwanza/…or whatever special day you celebrate. Happy New Year’s and Welcome 2014!