It’s Distracted Driving Awareness Month. I saw it on a sign driving down the highway the other day (it was a scrolling CalTrans sign so I had to keep my eyes on it for several seconds so I could read the entire message – there’s no irony in that, ha!). We all know about the cell phone law, well at least here on the West coast. Not sure where all of my readers are (and I do hope it’s more than just the few that have made the jump over here to my new home on my new website…), and not sure where ever you all are that you have cell phone laws. No texting or talking on your cell phone while driving without a hands-free device. Makes sense. I agree with the law, personally.
Funny though, there’s no law against talking to your kids, or for that matter your kids screaming at you.
“I want my water.”
“I dropped my toy.”
“I’m hungry, I want something to eat.”
etc., etc., etc.
Most conversations in the car, especially when it’s both kids, rarely involve a nice, calm, polite voice. It’s always a demanding, high-pitched, scream at the top of your lungs request. Yeah, that doesn’t work that well with me!
On the way back home from the park with Brayden this morning he drops his toy (because he always has to have something in his hand, no matter where we are or where we’re going – remember, he’s particular, he get’s that from me). He also simultaneously demands his water and his snack bowl of dry cereal. “Mommy, Mommy… blah, blah, blah,” he yells, and wouldn’t stop his half talking, half yelling demands. I, however, was trying to merge into the correct lane so I could make the turn to get onto the street I needed to be on to get home. I knew exactly where I was, I knew exactly where I was going, I just found myself for a few seconds completely frazzled and distracted – almost to the point of missing the turn.
I finally had to tell him – in a somewhat raised voice (that’s nice for almost yelling) – “Stop talking or we’re going to crash the car!”
We were literally five minutes from home and I told him he had to wait before he got his toy back or anything else he was asking for. I will say that little two-almost-three year olds don’t have much patience, and his response was “Mommy, stop right here.” Smart kid (he most definitely gets that from me!). “No Brayden, I’m not going to stop in the middle of the street.”
So, while there are all kinds of safety laws out there for driving and not talking on your cell phone, I believe having kids in the car can sometimes far outway how distracted the driver can get. Kids, you’ll just have to wait, and someday, when you have kids of your own, you’ll understand.
Here are some cool resources I found about distracted driving. Check them out!
National Safety Council
Zero Fatalities
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
US Deptartment of Transportation
ABC News video

Image from