So, I decided to keep with the Thanksgiving, “What am I grateful for?” theme, since, after all, Thanksgiving is just a few days away. Gobble Gobble!
Zackery came home from pre-school last week with a little zip loc bag. Inside was a pretty, green stone, and a note saying:
This is my thankful stone. It helps me to remember what I am thankful for.
Today he got it out and showed it to me again. I asked him what he was thankful for, and these are all the things he said (straight from the mouth of a precious little four-year-old):
I am thankful for my Daddy.
I am thankful for my matchbox cars and trailer.
I am thankful for my brother.
I am thankful for my cape and mask. (We went to a very cool superhero birthday party yesterday)
I am thankful for my Nana and Grandpa Paul and Grandpa Fred.
I am thankful for my whole house.
He didn’t specifically say he is thankful for his Mommy, but I know he is and I didn’t need to hear him say it [today]. I am so thankful that I have such an appreciative little boy who is learning the meaning of thanks.
Blessings to All this week.
just love the innocence of kids
and of course it’s important to be thankful for all of these things!!!
That is so dang cute. And I bet you count under the “whole house” umbrella!
So sweet. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!