Is your perception of reality more like weeds or wishes? I saw this image and it captured perfectly the last few weeks of conversations, discussions, ideas, thoughts and writing (words). It made me really stop and ask myself about my thoughts. It is the bow on top of a neatly wrapped package, making everything come together. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words (and this picture / image says it all).
Last week I did a Facebook Live about mindset. How we see things, what we think, etc. Mindset is so important. Our circumstances are not always in our control, but how we react or respond to them IS something we can control. It was a short FB Live (and you can watch it here if you like – I am inviting you.) I’ll be doing another one later this month so stay tuned…
I am also on vacation right now. Two weeks in Boston and up-state New York visiting friends and family. I could have had the mindset of “ugh, I don’t WANT to work – I’m on vacation.” But instead I’m choosing to have the mindset of “Yay! I GET to work and how lucky am I that I CAN work from anywhere!”
You see, mindset is everywhere and it’s everything.
Given the fact that I am on vacation, I’m keeping this post short and sweet. Yesterday I wrote this poem in the quiet moments I had to myself. I hope you enjoy…
I wasn’t expecting my feet to hit the bottom.
Jumping into the lake, eyes closed, fingers holding my nose.
I couldn’t tell if the rocks were slimy or just cold.
Refreshing, cool, a little chillier than expected.
It felt good to be in the water.
Goosebumps danced on my arms.
The longer I swam the more they danced.
My body wanted to be done.
My soul wanted to swim.
A warm towel awaited me as I reluctantly and joyously got out.
The day before we walked.
And walked.
The 2.5 mile freedom trail that turned into almost seven.
We saw all the sights of Boston.
It was a good day. Long, but good.
My knees ached and throbbed that evening.
Feet up and ice packs plastered to my joints.
It was a welcome cold different than the lake.
My eyes were heavy and dreary.
I knew I’d sleep well.
Today I sit looking out the window at the vast green fields of corn.
A couple of barns out in the distance.
The newly finished bright red barn behind me.
It’s peaceful here.
Always enjoyable and relaxing.
Life has a different pace on vacation.
Time slows down so the smells of your surroundings can penetrate your senses.
Alarms are reserved for travel days.
Dinners last well into the evening of a beautiful sunset.
There is nothing different I would do.
I work a little, I play a lot.
Connecting with friends and family.
No complaints of my life.
It’s all my choice.
Moment by moment, my circumstances support me.
I’m thankful to God for this glorious time.
The sunshine the rain, the warmth and the cold.
It reminds me of who I am.
To not take anything for granted.
To live to the fullest, with a smile on my face and in my heart.
I ask you, my friend, how are you seeing things?
Here’s to the BEST version of You!
Really love saying “I get to” rather than “I have to”. It’s all a gift!
Yes, Barbara!! It is all a gift.