Hi! This week I want to share with you the “core” of The HAPPY Mommy Method™. I built my mentoring program around the “HAPPY” process, which is a long (even a lifelong!) journey that becomes a part of who you are on every level.
Mentoring women through this process brings me total joy, as I watch moms put their Postpartum Depression behind them (though none of us will ever forget what it meant to us!) and make a new, brighter life. I love the feeling of really connecting with another woman and mother as she puts the plan into practice … there is nothing so inspiring as a HAPPY mommy
I get a lot of questions about how the program works. It is different for everyone, but there are five phases that each mom works through on her path to healing:*
H – Hope
The first step is all about recognizing what has been going on, and understanding how PPD is affecting your life. Most importantly, this is the moment when you learn just how treatable your condition is; that you can and will reclaim the joy of motherhood! In this early phase, we learn to choose hope and let it lead us forward.
A – Action
Now that you have a clear understanding of what is happening, and you know it will get better, the next thing is to take the first steps! In this stage, we work on taking the right actions that will support your healing process.
P – Process of Healing
Now that you have hope and have taken the first steps, it is time to set up the tools and strategies that work for you, as an individual. In this stage, you begin building your foundation of happiness, which will be there throughout your life. You’ll find the people, activities, and outlets that help you get stronger. You will also work on creating consistency in your life and in your medical care. During this stage, we usually have lots of victories to celebrate as well!
P – Physical Healing
Taking care of your body is taking care of yourself, so during this stage we will explore different ways you can become more physically healthy in a way that helps you overcome depression. This will be different for each mom, but we all have our ways to feel like our healthiest selves. In this stage, we’ll also talk about what you need to have around you in order to feel healthy.
Y – Yourself
YOU are the key to your happiness! In this stage, now that you have learned what makes you feel happy and healthy – you will commit to taking care of yourself first, so you can keep taking care of everyone else too. In this final stage, you will become the YOU you haven’t even met yet!
I hope that gives you a little more insight into how the HAPPY Mommy Method™ works – and of course, if you are curious for more information, you can always ask me about it! In fact, I would love to hear from you, and I would be honored to be your companion and mentor in healing.
With Love and Mommy Hugs,
Pamela Zimmer
*Remember: This mentoring program is designed to work alongside with qualified professional care from your health professional. The HAPPY Mommy Method™ fills some of the gaps in self-care, helping you build a solid foundation of happiness for the rest of your life. Always talk to your health care provider about the best treatment for your needs!