God Has A Purpose For Our Pain

I’ll be honest with you, I’m a little nervous about this blog post – not because of what I’m going to say, but because I am stepping out on a giant limb of faith with God. If you know me at all, you would know that I consider myself a...

What’s up with you today?

  Looking at that title, you may think I’m joking, or trying to make a point by asking that question – but I’m not! I really want to know: how are you today? What is happening in your life?   If you’re reading this and feel like sharing, please leave a...

Baby Blues or PPD?

My son Zackery was born on September 15, 2007. I walked into the hospital in flip flops on a warm early autumn day – but when I walked out again, it was snowing. Little did I expect that it was to be a hundred-year winter in Tahoe, and that my baby and I would find...

Happy Mommy Moments

Today’s post will be brief, not because I don’t have much to say, but because I have too much to say, and a limited time to get it all out. I’m sure some of you can relate! I’ve had the idea for quite some time to do a weekly video inspiration...

Clean Underwear

Yes, it’s Monday morning – well, perhaps now it’s afternoon (technically), but regardless of the exact time on the clock I’m feeling a bit sarcastic today. It actually feels good to be “on my game” this morning! The last four and a...

Happy Birthday Zackery – #7

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted. It seems like the weeks are just zooming by – I must be having fun. Despite all of life happening around me lately, which I can’t complain because it’s all really, really good, I especially wanted to take the time today for...

From San Diego to Disneyland to Dallas

I couldn’t come up with a fancy, catchy title for this post – it just is what it is. From San Diego to Disneyland to Dallas. I’ve basically spent the last two weeks out of town, and then home for four glorious nights in my own bed, with just enough...