by Pamela Zimmer | Jun 6, 2012 | General Parenting
It’s Wednesday – almost Thursday – and we’re moving on Sunday, in four days. I think I’m doing pretty well (with the packing), although I still feel like I have a TON left. It’s all the little things, like my hairbrush and the the...
by Pamela Zimmer | May 30, 2012 | Special Moments
Ah yes, the In-Laws. I know a lot of people get an icky feeling when they hear their In-Laws are coming to visit. I, on the other hand, get excited, anxious and can’t wait. I LOVE my In-Laws, and I feel blessed and grateful and lucky to feel this way. I only...
by Pamela Zimmer | May 16, 2012 | Body, Mind & Spirit
It’s been a bittersweet month for me. Zack rode the schoolbus with his Preschool class to a Kindergarten visit yesterday. It’s not the Kindergarten he’s going to be attending, it’s not even his first day of Kindergarten. I had tears in my eyes....
by Pamela Zimmer | May 12, 2012 | Special Moments
As daughters, we all grow up thinking “I’m never going to be like my Mother.” As we get older, and a little bit wiser, we start asking ourselves “What would my Mother do?” As we become Mothers ourselves, we can’t help but say “I’m just like my Mother.” For some, we...
by Pamela Zimmer | May 7, 2012 | General Parenting
I am officially asking, requesting, for a do-over. You know, the kind like when you’re little and young and you’re home sick with the flu and the only thing that makes you feel better is to play Chutes and Ladders with your Mom, and you botch the spin on the wheel and...
by Pamela Zimmer | Apr 30, 2012 | General Parenting
Ever have those days? You know, those days like… like Mondays? Like today? The bulk of my day went smoothly (normal – as normal as normal can be with a toddler & a preschooler). Morning was normal, mid-day was normal, afternoon was normal. Evening,...
by Pamela Zimmer | Apr 23, 2012 | General Parenting
Today truly was a wonderful, great day! I will admit I was rushed when I got up this morning, and I even opted to savor a few extra minutes in bed in lieu of taking a shower (even though I had planned on washing my hair… I just could not get my eyes to stay...
by Pamela Zimmer | Apr 22, 2012 | Postpartum Depression
Well, it’s been another week since I’ve posted, but for good reason this time! I’ve been working hard (and having a wonderful time doing it because I am working on my passion which makes it FUN!) on getting ready to launch my Love and Mommy Hugs...
by Pamela Zimmer | Apr 14, 2012 | Milestones and Development
Brayden went potty in the potty today! I was totally not expecting him to actually go, but he watched big brother Zack go, and then what-do-you-know, the little guy went himself! Wow, I am PROUD! He’s been asking to go to the potty a few times lately, but...
by Pamela Zimmer | Apr 11, 2012 | Body, Mind & Spirit
Today’s post is going to be short and sweet. Since I can’t focus (and I believe it’s because I’m filling my time doing things that I really don’t want to be doing… like work that is paying some bills – a necessary evil…...