A Wife and A Woman, Again

Spring Break is just about over, and I have to say it has been one of the best, by far, EVER! I don’t mean for this to come across as bragging or to make anyone else feel bad, especially you. I am just completely renewed and refreshed and ready (for whatever life –...

I’m In Love With You, Mommy!

They say little girls love their Daddy’s and little boys love their Mommy’s. Lucky me, I have two little boys – well, one is not so little anymore (at least compared to seven years ago when he was just a teeny, tiny, chubby little baby). And my other little boy, well,...

I Am a Daughter of Christ

Today I declared my faith to the world, to my church, to my friends and family, and most importantly, to God Himself. Today, I was baptized as a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ; that He died on the cross for me. Today, is a miraculous, glorious day. I know this...

Happy Mother’s Day – 2014!

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. A day dedicated to moms all over the world, and up in Heaven. A day where moms can hope and dream that they won’t have to lift a finger. A day where they won’t have to prepare a meal or wipe a bottom. A day where there is no...

Crazy Christmas Gratitude

It’s Christmas time. The In-Laws are here (whom I absolutely love!), arrived late last night, and our house is full. Full of family, full of wonderful smells wafting from the kitchen (mashed potatoes and roasted butternut squash soup), full of presents under our...