Tag, I’ve Had It

Have you ever been so tired, so completely spent and exhausted – mentally, physically or both – that you just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry? I’ll make a broad assumption here and say that “yes,” you have. I mean, you’re a Mom so that feeling is pretty inevitable...

The Oxygen Mask

For moms (and probably dads, too) who fly with their kids, the safety orientation has one truly disorienting moment: when you’re told that, should there be a terrible calamity and oxygen masks fall from the ceiling, you should not take care of your children first....

Dear Zackery

I can’t believe you are eight! I know it’s been said a zillion times before, but kids really do grow up too fast, and you are no exception. I remember the day you were born. It was a beautiful, warm day and Daddy and I were so excited to meet you! I won’t bore you or...